Alex Kaempen's Web Page

This page was proudly created on a Macintosh.

3 May 2008: Charleston, IL

Welcome. The point of this website is to introduce myself to the world. I hope you find what infromation I have here to be of use to you, and again, welcome to my site.

My page is always undergoing refits of some sort, so should you have any suggestions and or comments about it, email me at If you wish to know more about me, I encourage you to contact me via the same email address.

If you are visiting this site and are interested in what I could bring to your organization, I have attached my resumé below.

My Resumé

As the Global Events Developer for the Catalyst Game Labs Demonstration team, I created their Worldwide Events (WWEs) for 2017-2023. Those events are provided free here. The includes the 2024 event that was not launched by the new Demo Team leadership.

These are a few essays written by me that I hope you find interesting.

The Lion, the Eagle, and the High Seas

The Philosophical Case for Inverted Supply Side Econonomics

The Proliferation of Classical Politics In High School Debate

The Epic Saga As Compared With the Pseudo-Epic

A Comparision of Machiavellianism to the Theories of Plato and Aristotle.


Here are some interesting miscellanious documents.

My High School Graduation Speech

Harmony Gold V. FASA: This is the ruling that sealed the fate of the "Unseen."

Harmony Gold V. FASA 2 This is a motion to exclude evidence filed by HG during the case. FASA lost this one.

FASA V. Playmates: This is the first of three rulings in that case.

FASA V. Playmates 2: This is the second of three rulings in that case.

FASA V. Playmates 3: This is the third, and by far the most important, of three rulings in that case.

Malcomson V. Topps: This is the most legal ruling, as of 2010, regarding the Battletch Intellectual Property.

Below are the websites for my two alma-maters.

My high school

My college


Last updated at: 1509 CST, 30 December 2024